魔法少女にあこがれて 第9話 アイドルにあこがれて! ▶23:40
【女性向けボイス】ホワイトデーにほかの男にもらったボディクリーム塗ってる彼女に嫉妬して調教えっち始める彼氏【シチュエーションボイス ASMR 耳舐め 耳責め】 ▶10:56
【女性向けボイス】ホワイトデーにほかの男にもらったボディクリーム塗ってる彼女に嫉妬して調教えっち始める彼氏【シチュエーションボイス ASMR 耳舐め 耳責め】 ▶18:53
Nightly News Full Broadcast (October 25th) ▶28:08
《我可能不会爱你》| 程又青的十三条熟女魅力 ▶6:00
獣姦ドスケベ熟女緊縛調教。執拗なドメによる縛り付け調教でイキ堕ちる豊満Gカップ。 ▶1:29
獣姦ドスケベ熟女緊縛調教。執拗なドメによる縛り付け調教でイキ堕ちる豊満Gカップ。 ▶9:51
十年后,你就是熟女了啊~ ▶10:27
辐射4熟女FUCK姐发现自家避难所员工竟然死于打飞机 ▶3:13
エッチ動画 熟女SM緊縛 鼻調教豚奴隷妻 弥生41歳 ▶0:56
Visitor専属調教師の初心者のM.vrc5 ▶5:23
(C1999)緑の湖の悪夢! 絶対凶マーカス強制侵入,ジェシカの悪夢調教!【中国翻訳】 ▶2:36
(C1999)緑の湖の悪夢! 絶対凶マーカス強制侵入,ジェシカの悪夢調教!【中国翻訳】 ▶1:17
色白若妻の川上ゆうが美熟女二人に調教される。*japan *jav *manofculture *xalien *yuri *javreview ▶1:16
色白若妻の川上ゆうが美熟女二人に調教される。*japan *jav *manofculture *xalien *yuri *javreview ▶1:00
初心者とは思えない馬券センスをみせる調教師の孫 *競馬 *競馬予想 *櫻坂46 *武元唯衣 ▶0:12
初心者とは思えない馬券センスをみせる調教師の孫 *競馬 *競馬予想 *櫻坂46 *武元唯衣 ▶1:02
愛快羅密歐4C.底盤調教 改裝方向。*巔峰極速 *巔峰極速賞金計畫 *レーシングマスター *热门 *底盤調教 *改裝方向 *上推薦 *爆紅 *流量 *很玄 *關聖帝君 *抖音爸爸別限我流 *4c *alfaromeo4c *性能組t0 *性能組 ▶2:10
愛快羅密歐4C.底盤調教 改裝方向。*巔峰極速 *巔峰極速賞金計畫 *レーシングマスター *热门 *底盤調教 *改裝方向 *上推薦 *爆紅 *流量 *很玄 *關聖帝君 *抖音爸爸別限我流 *4c *alfaromeo4c *性能組t0 *性能組 ▶1:11
*CapCut 「這個世界欠調教,你也是」*聊天记录 *爱情 *情感 *女友 *聊天記錄 *情感共鸣 *longervideos *fyp *愛情 ▶0:40
*CapCut 「這個世界欠調教,你也是」*聊天记录 *爱情 *情感 *女友 *聊天記錄 *情感共鸣 *longervideos *fyp *愛情 ▶9:52
元カノに調教され尽くしたお兄ちゃん*アニメコント *お笑い *ギャグ *元カノ *兄妹 ▶3:41
元カノに調教され尽くしたお兄ちゃん*アニメコント *お笑い *ギャグ *元カノ *兄妹 ▶0:10
2024・3・9 角度📐が乱れ乗馬の体勢が崩れる 田口騎手。福永祐一 調教師が喝を入れる。*競馬 *けいば *福永祐一 *CapCut ▶0:29
2024・3・9 角度📐が乱れ乗馬の体勢が崩れる 田口騎手。福永祐一 調教師が喝を入れる。*競馬 *けいば *福永祐一 *CapCut ▶1:30
⁡ アイロンパーマの特徴 ・均一な動きが出やすい ・乾いた時にリッジが出る ・短くても当てれてる ・緩くパーマをかけても日持ちする 毎朝セット楽すぎて5分寝坊出来ます⏰ ⁡ 整髪料付けて30秒でセットできます👔 ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ こんな人にオススメ🧞‍♂️🧞‍♂️🧞‍♂️ ・福岡に住んでいてカッコよくなりたい人 ・毛が針金のようにバリカタな人 ・短くてもパーマを当てたい ・ツーブロックしてもサイドが張る、収まらない ・前に生えてる毛を後ろに流したい ・セットを楽にしたい ・ボリュームが欲しい ・癖毛でごわついてセットできない 当てたほとんどのお客様が、お悩み解決し喜んでいただいております ⁡ 直毛でお悩みの方は是非👯‍♀️👯‍♀️👯‍♀️ ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ★TOUGH BARBER SHOP★ stylistメラ 福岡市中央区平尾3-5-10 ビュートリアムビル平尾1F 営業時間 平日 11:00〜21:00/土曜日10:00~20:00/日曜,祝日10:00~19:00 TEL:092-406-8687 ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ *barber *b ▶1:28
⁡ アイロンパーマの特徴 ・均一な動きが出やすい ・乾いた時にリッジが出る ・短くても当てれてる ・緩くパーマをかけても日持ちする 毎朝セット楽すぎて5分寝坊出来ます⏰ ⁡ 整髪料付けて30秒でセットできます👔 ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ こんな人にオススメ🧞‍♂️🧞‍♂️🧞‍♂️ ・福岡に住んでいてカッコよくなりたい人 ・毛が針金のようにバリカタな人 ・短くてもパーマを当てたい ・ツーブロックしてもサイドが張る、収まらない ・前に生えてる毛を後ろに流したい ・セットを楽にしたい ・ボリュームが欲しい ・癖毛でごわついてセットできない 当てたほとんどのお客様が、お悩み解決し喜んでいただいております ⁡ 直毛でお悩みの方は是非👯‍♀️👯‍♀️👯‍♀️ ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ★TOUGH BARBER SHOP★ stylistメラ 福岡市中央区平尾3-5-10 ビュートリアムビル平尾1F 営業時間 平日 11:00〜21:00/土曜日10:00~20:00/日曜,祝日10:00~19:00 TEL:092-406-8687 ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ *barber *b ▶0:23
Mysterious Underground Tunnels at P. Diddy's Mansion ▶1:15
【ヘンリー塚本】JKをレズ調教する熟女! : 官能エロ動画|昭和エロス ▶3:20
【ヘンリー塚本】JKをレズ調教する熟女! : 官能エロ動画|昭和エロス ▶0:41
2024 オーシャンSのオカルト的な競馬予想です 調教師の誕生日の末尾の数字でオカルト法則 *軸馬 *オーシャンs2024 *競馬 *CapCut ▶3:37
2024 オーシャンSのオカルト的な競馬予想です 調教師の誕生日の末尾の数字でオカルト法則 *軸馬 *オーシャンs2024 *競馬 *CapCut ▶0:16
Babyoak Soliloquy on Instagram: "我們萬歲一伸延閱讀調教你mirror暖男style柳應廷 每次Jer唱到呢兩句 都會用一種特別sweet既語氣 「特別鳴謝你製造 更歡樂的我 除了每月有幾天受折磨」 有什麼比理解女仔M痛既男仔更溫柔🥹 即時聯想起調教你Mirror 入camp前導師梁祖堯在沒收手機前 比大家send最後message比一個人 來到柳應廷💙 一邊很重偶包地偷偷剃鬚😂🐱 一邊又默默message女朋友注意事項勁窩心🥹 本身柳柳就是很sweet的人吧🫠🍯 我個ex以前從來不關心這些事😂 應該話溫柔體貼不是必然的 一般男仔都比較理性粗線條未必take care每個細節 但男仔既直率也剛好中和女仔的敏感 最好笑係之後姜濤最後要message邊個 結果係阿媽,我已轉錢給你😂 還有關心M痛的部分得到大表的認同 即刻攬攬大表好嗲🌟my type🥃 調教你mirror真心很高汁 成日會再loop 好deep既一個真人show 個人覺得祖祖係一個好好既導師 可以有效又溫柔地激發學員各種潛能 有種日本漫畫式的熱血 亂up: 假如去北美時 ▶1:31
Babyoak Soliloquy on Instagram: "我們萬歲一伸延閱讀調教你mirror暖男style柳應廷 每次Jer唱到呢兩句 都會用一種特別sweet既語氣 「特別鳴謝你製造 更歡樂的我 除了每月有幾天受折磨」 有什麼比理解女仔M痛既男仔更溫柔🥹 即時聯想起調教你Mirror 入camp前導師梁祖堯在沒收手機前 比大家send最後message比一個人 來到柳應廷💙 一邊很重偶包地偷偷剃鬚😂🐱 一邊又默默message女朋友注意事項勁窩心🥹 本身柳柳就是很sweet的人吧🫠🍯 我個ex以前從來不關心這些事😂 應該話溫柔體貼不是必然的 一般男仔都比較理性粗線條未必take care每個細節 但男仔既直率也剛好中和女仔的敏感 最好笑係之後姜濤最後要message邊個 結果係阿媽,我已轉錢給你😂 還有關心M痛的部分得到大表的認同 即刻攬攬大表好嗲🌟my type🥃 調教你mirror真心很高汁 成日會再loop 好deep既一個真人show 個人覺得祖祖係一個好好既導師 可以有效又溫柔地激發學員各種潛能 有種日本漫畫式的熱血 亂up: 假如去北美時 ▶0:09
藤原和真 on Instagram: "*イッテq *調教 *みやぞん" ▶9:31
We are having about as good of a visit as can be in this situation! I'm thankful God gives us some moments that feel special and memorable, even reminiscent of old times! EarlyYouner Onset Alzheimer's/Dementia is a BITCH and I HATE her, but my husband is still in there and the memories are ours forever, and she can't steal the love that binds us forever more! If your ❤️ is speaking to you, donate in some way to your local Memory Care homes, or families you may know that are going through this. I ▶1:14
We are having about as good of a visit as can be in this situation! I'm thankful God gives us some moments that feel special and memorable, even reminiscent of old times! EarlyYouner Onset Alzheimer's/Dementia is a BITCH and I HATE her, but my husband is still in there and the memories are ours forever, and she can't steal the love that binds us forever more! If your ❤️ is speaking to you, donate in some way to your local Memory Care homes, or families you may know that are going through this. I ▶0:08
ワーストリグレット … GUMI ▶0:24
*ai *熟女 *美魔女 *ピタ止めチャレンジやばい *ピタ止め ▶3:11
iuchi toshiaki on Instagram: "ドウデュース🇯🇵ドバイターフ追い切り🏇🏽 今日もほんと素晴らしい動き✨ 追い切った後でも落ち着き払っています👑 追い切りの詳細はnetkeiba.comのトレセンニュースをご一読ください🗞️ *ドウデュース *友道康夫厩舎 *キーファーズ *前川和也調教助手 *netkeiba *トレセンニュース *競馬 *jra *栗東 *調教捜査官 *競馬インストラクター *働くオジサンシリーズ *井内利彰" ▶1:42
iuchi toshiaki on Instagram: "ドウデュース🇯🇵ドバイターフ追い切り🏇🏽 今日もほんと素晴らしい動き✨ 追い切った後でも落ち着き払っています👑 追い切りの詳細はnetkeiba.comのトレセンニュースをご一読ください🗞️ *ドウデュース *友道康夫厩舎 *キーファーズ *前川和也調教助手 *netkeiba *トレセンニュース *競馬 *jra *栗東 *調教捜査官 *競馬インストラクター *働くオジサンシリーズ *井内利彰" ▶0:20
【*調教你杯酒】只需2分鐘!喺屋企都輕鬆整到Cocktail😍 由專業調酒師Imelda親自示範!只需搭配簡單材料,加埋都唔洗$100!輸入優惠碼【bh4ALCOH】即減$30 https://tinyurl.com/ukstorewine30 | HKTVmall ▶0:26
【*調教你杯酒】只需2分鐘!喺屋企都輕鬆整到Cocktail😍 由專業調酒師Imelda親自示範!只需搭配簡單材料,加埋都唔洗$100!輸入優惠碼【bh4ALCOH】即減$30 https://tinyurl.com/ukstorewine30 | HKTVmall ▶0:05
滋滋寶貝ZuzuBaby|婚禮 活動主持人&*x1f33b; on Instagram: "*100男約會是否會脫單 Date.39 我其實以前就滿喜歡幫男友搞穿搭~ 可能我之前交的對這部分都不太在行 所以就會有我的展現之處◔.̮◔✧ 但沒想到約會對象居然會有要改造穿搭的提議 只能說 他真的找對人了啦( ⁼̴̀ .̫ ⁼̴ )✧ 哇哈哈哈哈哈&*x1f923; 整天相處下來 我發現他也是蠻貼心的男生啦 不過真的很害羞 也不太會跟女生聊天 但我相信調教後他一定也能 從母胎單身變成個寶藏男孩的✨ 來分享一下 妳們最喜歡我幫他搭的哪一套ᕙ(•̤᷆ ॒ ູ•̤᷇)ᕘ₊˚ *約會大作戰 *約會景點 *網友 *單身*單身快樂 *情侶拍照 *情侶好去處 *情侶放閃日記" ▶0:48
滋滋寶貝ZuzuBaby|婚禮 活動主持人&*x1f33b; on Instagram: "*100男約會是否會脫單 Date.39 我其實以前就滿喜歡幫男友搞穿搭~ 可能我之前交的對這部分都不太在行 所以就會有我的展現之處◔.̮◔✧ 但沒想到約會對象居然會有要改造穿搭的提議 只能說 他真的找對人了啦( ⁼̴̀ .̫ ⁼̴ )✧ 哇哈哈哈哈哈&*x1f923; 整天相處下來 我發現他也是蠻貼心的男生啦 不過真的很害羞 也不太會跟女生聊天 但我相信調教後他一定也能 從母胎單身變成個寶藏男孩的✨ 來分享一下 妳們最喜歡我幫他搭的哪一套ᕙ(•̤᷆ ॒ ູ•̤᷇)ᕘ₊˚ *約會大作戰 *約會景點 *網友 *單身*單身快樂 *情侶拍照 *情侶好去處 *情侶放閃日記" ▶0:15
iuchi toshiaki on Instagram: "ドウデュース🇯🇵ドバイターフ追い切り🏇🏽 CWでの3頭併せでしたが、力みのない走りが印象的✨ 詳しくはnetkeibaのトレセンニュースにアップしていますので、そちらをご一読ください🗞️ ドウデュース、まだまだ進化しています🤣 *ドウデュース *友道康夫厩舎 *キーファーズ *前川和也調教助手 *ドバイターフ *競馬 *jra *栗東 *調教捜査官 *競馬インストラクター *働くオジサン *井内利彰" ▶1:03
iuchi toshiaki on Instagram: "ドウデュース🇯🇵ドバイターフ追い切り🏇🏽 CWでの3頭併せでしたが、力みのない走りが印象的✨ 詳しくはnetkeibaのトレセンニュースにアップしていますので、そちらをご一読ください🗞️ ドウデュース、まだまだ進化しています🤣 *ドウデュース *友道康夫厩舎 *キーファーズ *前川和也調教助手 *ドバイターフ *競馬 *jra *栗東 *調教捜査官 *競馬インストラクター *働くオジサン *井内利彰" ▶1:42
*魅力的な女性 *素人 *熟女 *人妻に見えない *本物 ▶1:20
【充电专属】坏姐姐的日常穿搭:姐姐就是姐姐,不能怼 ▶0:17
みき on Instagram: "調教されたーい🤣🤣 りんくん❤️ 柵片手で❤️それだけでかっこいい🤭" ▶3:36
みき on Instagram: "調教されたーい🤣🤣 りんくん❤️ 柵片手で❤️それだけでかっこいい🤭" ▶10:14
【人力×MMDツイステ】ザムザ【ジェイド・リーチ】 ▶1:32
Rishikesh Adventure on Instagram: "This is what bungy jumping is all about 🔥💙 Frame - @14.maddy ✨ DM us for any further details, Feel free to contact us:-+91 99715 67805, 89234 96938 *thrill *thriller *adventure *bungee *bungeejumping *bungeefitness *incredibleindia *reels *trendingreels *rishikeshdiaries *rishikeshtrip *adventureactivities *reels *reelitfeelit *reelsindia *explore *exploremore *uttrakhand" ▶6:23
Rishikesh Adventure on Instagram: "This is what bungy jumping is all about 🔥💙 Frame - @14.maddy ✨ DM us for any further details, Feel free to contact us:-+91 99715 67805, 89234 96938 *thrill *thriller *adventure *bungee *bungeejumping *bungeefitness *incredibleindia *reels *trendingreels *rishikeshdiaries *rishikeshtrip *adventureactivities *reels *reelitfeelit *reelsindia *explore *exploremore *uttrakhand" ▶1:58
真的是擦边不是搞笑女! ▶3:12
Japan will double its data centre rack... - Savills Thailand ▶8:28
European slaves in the slave market of the Ottoman Empire ▶2:02
*熟女 *八木あずさ ▶0:43
熊澤重文 on Instagram: "またまたレジェンド豊😭😭😭👍‼️ 1番に会えた😍💜💜💜 忙しいのに、話す間もなくツーショットだけ撮って去る🥹🥹🥹 かっこよすぎて。。。泣きそう😂💜 ちゃんと、仕事はしてますからね皆さん‼️ ツーショット撮りに行ってる訳じゃありませんよ🧐🤨 でも、、、また出会えたのも偶然じゃないよ🤩🤩🤩🤗 もう、、この曲しか浮かばない😆💜💜💜 ありがとう!豊君💜 今日は、黄金虫🪲みたいなジャケット🙃 *熊沢重文 *武豊 *武豊騎手 *武豊騎手が好きな人と繋がりたい *武豊騎手ありがとう *武豊騎手を応援してる人と繋がりたい *武豊出会えて良かった *栗東トレーニングセンター🏇 *調教 *武豊騎手調教" ▶6:52
熊澤重文 on Instagram: "またまたレジェンド豊😭😭😭👍‼️ 1番に会えた😍💜💜💜 忙しいのに、話す間もなくツーショットだけ撮って去る🥹🥹🥹 かっこよすぎて。。。泣きそう😂💜 ちゃんと、仕事はしてますからね皆さん‼️ ツーショット撮りに行ってる訳じゃありませんよ🧐🤨 でも、、、また出会えたのも偶然じゃないよ🤩🤩🤩🤗 もう、、この曲しか浮かばない😆💜💜💜 ありがとう!豊君💜 今日は、黄金虫🪲みたいなジャケット🙃 *熊沢重文 *武豊 *武豊騎手 *武豊騎手が好きな人と繋がりたい *武豊騎手ありがとう *武豊騎手を応援してる人と繋がりたい *武豊出会えて良かった *栗東トレーニングセンター🏇 *調教 *武豊騎手調教" ▶1:49
Debby Tsang on Instagram: "依家小朋友成日都要 Online 學嘢,終日對住個 Mon 或者手機真係好傷眼,一部好嘅投影機真係幫到手!終於比我搵到部啱心水既投影機 Samsung The Freestyle ❤ 用投影機學習,唔單止減少藍光對小朋友眼部嘅刺激,The Freestyle機身夠細,靈活性高,方便喺屋企同埋隨時帶出街用,都係我揀佢既原因!👍 喺客廳打造大屏幕學習室,增加小朋友學習興趣又得,投影上天花獎勵小朋友 Bedtime 睇卡通片又得。因為新一代 The Freestyle 自動畫面修正速度提升59%🆙 唔使再咁繁複調教畫面,簡單易用‼️ 除咗小朋友啱用,我都成日用嚟睇 Netflix或者煲劇😆 因為The Freestyle 係投影機,都係一部大電視,內置 Samsung Smart TV 功能,可以隨意縮放30吋至到100吋投影,隨時轉地方投影都輕鬆做到👍🏼 由即日至3月31日,喺三星官網 https://www.samsung.com/hk/ 或各大零售商 👇🏻 ▶️ 依家買The Freestyle 有限時優惠🈹, 有興 ▶0:58
Debby Tsang on Instagram: "依家小朋友成日都要 Online 學嘢,終日對住個 Mon 或者手機真係好傷眼,一部好嘅投影機真係幫到手!終於比我搵到部啱心水既投影機 Samsung The Freestyle ❤ 用投影機學習,唔單止減少藍光對小朋友眼部嘅刺激,The Freestyle機身夠細,靈活性高,方便喺屋企同埋隨時帶出街用,都係我揀佢既原因!👍 喺客廳打造大屏幕學習室,增加小朋友學習興趣又得,投影上天花獎勵小朋友 Bedtime 睇卡通片又得。因為新一代 The Freestyle 自動畫面修正速度提升59%🆙 唔使再咁繁複調教畫面,簡單易用‼️ 除咗小朋友啱用,我都成日用嚟睇 Netflix或者煲劇😆 因為The Freestyle 係投影機,都係一部大電視,內置 Samsung Smart TV 功能,可以隨意縮放30吋至到100吋投影,隨時轉地方投影都輕鬆做到👍🏼 由即日至3月31日,喺三星官網 https://www.samsung.com/hk/ 或各大零售商 👇🏻 ▶️ 依家買The Freestyle 有限時優惠🈹, 有興 ▶2:15
Devamı için seri 500 Beğeni!*edits *keşfetteyizzz *fikretleto *hudutsuzsevdadizi *halilibrahim *now *dizifilmreplikleriizle🎬 *dizifilmreplikleri🎬 *zeynepkarasu ▶1:46
Devamı için seri 500 Beğeni!*edits *keşfetteyizzz *fikretleto *hudutsuzsevdadizi *halilibrahim *now *dizifilmreplikleriizle🎬 *dizifilmreplikleri🎬 *zeynepkarasu ▶0:06
JUQ-412 夫不在の5日間、初夜まで禁欲を命じられた私は性豪義父に身も心も調教されてしまった―。 望まない政略結婚、義父の狙いはワタシでした…。 篠田ゆう ▶0:04
JUQ-412 夫不在の5日間、初夜まで禁欲を命じられた私は性豪義父に身も心も調教されてしまった―。 望まない政略結婚、義父の狙いはワタシでした…。 篠田ゆう ▶0:11
Google Indoor Wired White Nest Cam - GA01998-US ▶0:07
GMA-050 緊縛調教妻 義両親の死と相続を主張する義叔父。同居を押し切られ始まった隷属の日々… 加藤ツバキ ▶0:45
GMA-050 緊縛調教妻 義両親の死と相続を主張する義叔父。同居を押し切られ始まった隷属の日々… 加藤ツバキ ▶8:58
Kas Bridal Makeover on Instagram: "அட நம்ம கோயம்புத்தூரு பொண்ணு 🦋🥰🫰🏼🌸 Thank you dear Priya for choosing us all the way from Coimbatore 🫶🏽 she booked us through Instagram 💕 she liked all our works and immediately blocked us for her big day 💕which is happening in Dindigul ✨ very happy to work with you dear Priya 🥰🫰🏼 stay blessed and be happy forever 🫂 Makeup & Hair by @kasmakeover_artist 💕 Jewels @kasbridalstudio 💕 Location :Dindigul 🫰🏼 For makeover we are open to travel 🫶🏽 Make ▶3:10
Kas Bridal Makeover on Instagram: "அட நம்ம கோயம்புத்தூரு பொண்ணு 🦋🥰🫰🏼🌸 Thank you dear Priya for choosing us all the way from Coimbatore 🫶🏽 she booked us through Instagram 💕 she liked all our works and immediately blocked us for her big day 💕which is happening in Dindigul ✨ very happy to work with you dear Priya 🥰🫰🏼 stay blessed and be happy forever 🫂 Makeup & Hair by @kasmakeover_artist 💕 Jewels @kasbridalstudio 💕 Location :Dindigul 🫰🏼 For makeover we are open to travel 🫶🏽 Make ▶14:26
在地铁上遇见了憧憬的教授阿姨~ ▶0:21
A wife who is more into belly dancing than her husband! 🥻✨[3D video!] Mayumi (49 years old) Occupation: Office worker (accounting) Number of experienced people: 28 💋“I want you to play at least three rounds, but I wonder how much stamina you have...?✨” 旦那のことよりベリーダンスに夢中な妻!🥻✨[3D動画!] まゆみ(49歳) 職業:会社員(経理) 経験人数:28人 💋「最低でも3回戦はしてほしんだけど、あなたのスタミナはどのくらいかしら…?✨」 The image type is in the threads. You can access the threads from profile screen♪ @luxury_wife3 画像タイプはスレッズにあるよ。 スレッズはプロフィール画面からアクセスできるからね♪ *bell ▶0:44
A wife who is more into belly dancing than her husband! 🥻✨[3D video!] Mayumi (49 years old) Occupation: Office worker (accounting) Number of experienced people: 28 💋“I want you to play at least three rounds, but I wonder how much stamina you have...?✨” 旦那のことよりベリーダンスに夢中な妻!🥻✨[3D動画!] まゆみ(49歳) 職業:会社員(経理) 経験人数:28人 💋「最低でも3回戦はしてほしんだけど、あなたのスタミナはどのくらいかしら…?✨」 The image type is in the threads. You can access the threads from profile screen♪ @luxury_wife3 画像タイプはスレッズにあるよ。 スレッズはプロフィール画面からアクセスできるからね♪ *bell ▶8:21
|Turk_moviee| on Instagram‎: ". 🎥 by : I’m sorry, I don’t know who made the video *Repost @turk_moviee i just translate your beautiful video into persian 🌹 “ All rights belong to their respective owners” for credit issues or removal please direct us and we answer as soon as possible 🙏🌹 بقیه ویدیوهای پیجمون🥰👇 @turk_moviee for credit issues or removal please direct us and we answer as soon as possible 🙏"‎ ▶0:21
|Turk_moviee| on Instagram‎: ". 🎥 by : I’m sorry, I don’t know who made the video *Repost @turk_moviee i just translate your beautiful video into persian 🌹 “ All rights belong to their respective owners” for credit issues or removal please direct us and we answer as soon as possible 🙏🌹 بقیه ویدیوهای پیجمون🥰👇 @turk_moviee for credit issues or removal please direct us and we answer as soon as possible 🙏"‎ ▶0:50
木下真美 on Instagram: "ばぁば真美からのお知らせです💕 MFW ✨ 日本文化と日本女性の素晴らしさを世界に発信している ビューティーモデルインフルエンサーコンテストに 出場させていただくことになりました。 日本女性としての心や思いを大切に。 日本伝統食を文化と食のチカラとして受け継ぐ大切さを 世界に発信していきたいと思っております。 木下真美の食ブランド 『TRUE BEAUTY °21』 真の美しさと真の強さは食から−。 を広めて参ります。 お写真は、 2021年グランプリを受賞された 下平貴子さん💕 今日、スカウトにきのしたへ 来てくださいました。 食べれるぬか床また明日 チロミソ などを世界に発信していくチャンスを くださったことに感謝です🥺 ずっと習いたかった英語。 なんと、貴子さんはバイリンガル✨ 貴子さんの英会話レッスンに4月から 通わせていただくことになりました。 ずっと探してた先生。 素晴らしい出会いに感謝です。 ぬか床やチロミソや発酵食を世界に広めようとしたら、 自分が英語を話せなければ、思いを伝えられない と思い、ずっと先生を探しておりました。 ▶1:14
木下真美 on Instagram: "ばぁば真美からのお知らせです💕 MFW ✨ 日本文化と日本女性の素晴らしさを世界に発信している ビューティーモデルインフルエンサーコンテストに 出場させていただくことになりました。 日本女性としての心や思いを大切に。 日本伝統食を文化と食のチカラとして受け継ぐ大切さを 世界に発信していきたいと思っております。 木下真美の食ブランド 『TRUE BEAUTY °21』 真の美しさと真の強さは食から−。 を広めて参ります。 お写真は、 2021年グランプリを受賞された 下平貴子さん💕 今日、スカウトにきのしたへ 来てくださいました。 食べれるぬか床また明日 チロミソ などを世界に発信していくチャンスを くださったことに感謝です🥺 ずっと習いたかった英語。 なんと、貴子さんはバイリンガル✨ 貴子さんの英会話レッスンに4月から 通わせていただくことになりました。 ずっと探してた先生。 素晴らしい出会いに感謝です。 ぬか床やチロミソや発酵食を世界に広めようとしたら、 自分が英語を話せなければ、思いを伝えられない と思い、ずっと先生を探しておりました。 ▶0:38
*熟女 *素人 *魅力的な女性 *人妻に見えない ▶0:34
四本年上姨控后宫文推荐 风韵小姨让老书虫惊艳不已 ▶1:14
@femalepoetssociety on Instagram: "‘Warning’ by Jenny Joseph read by Helena Bonham Carter 💜 When I am an old woman I shall wear purple With a red hat which doesn’t go, and doesn’t suit me. And I shall spend my pension on brandy and summer gloves And satin sandals, and say we’ve no money for butter. I shall sit down on the pavement when I’m tired And gobble up samples in shops and press alarm bells And run my stick along the public railings And make up for the sobriety of my youth. I shall go ou ▶0:26
@femalepoetssociety on Instagram: "‘Warning’ by Jenny Joseph read by Helena Bonham Carter 💜 When I am an old woman I shall wear purple With a red hat which doesn’t go, and doesn’t suit me. And I shall spend my pension on brandy and summer gloves And satin sandals, and say we’ve no money for butter. I shall sit down on the pavement when I’m tired And gobble up samples in shops and press alarm bells And run my stick along the public railings And make up for the sobriety of my youth. I shall go ou ▶0:07
Rasheda Deloach on Instagram: "Did he kill it 🔥🔥 Follow us & Turn Up your feed with Dat Louisiana Jiggin’ sensation that’s taking over the internet! ⚜️🎭 Don’t miss out on the hottest trends fresh out Louisiana, Follow Us Now🎵🔥 *Louisiana *Jiggin *Dance *FYP *LouisianaCheck *Sturdy *BatonRouge *Viral *TrendingSong *BlowThisUp *ForYouPage *DontStopJigginChallenge *Vir *GoViral *Trending *Famous *Jiggin *JiggingChallenge *JigginCity *Jigging *FYPシ" ▶1:23
Rasheda Deloach on Instagram: "Did he kill it 🔥🔥 Follow us & Turn Up your feed with Dat Louisiana Jiggin’ sensation that’s taking over the internet! ⚜️🎭 Don’t miss out on the hottest trends fresh out Louisiana, Follow Us Now🎵🔥 *Louisiana *Jiggin *Dance *FYP *LouisianaCheck *Sturdy *BatonRouge *Viral *TrendingSong *BlowThisUp *ForYouPage *DontStopJigginChallenge *Vir *GoViral *Trending *Famous *Jiggin *JiggingChallenge *JigginCity *Jigging *FYPシ" ▶2:51
JUQ-470 新婚旅行先で人妻に這い寄る指先…。 いいなりリゾートエステ調教 葉山さゆり ▶0:12
JUQ-470 新婚旅行先で人妻に這い寄る指先…。 いいなりリゾートエステ調教 葉山さゆり ▶8:26
Giving disposable camera 📸 to stranger!! Hey @josephsday you slayed this! Omg bro!!! You are such a kind person. I could have made this video 1 minute long but I vibed with you my brother. I wish more people would be as humble and sweet as you and your friends. They say, “ show me your friends and I’ll tell you who you are”. And I got to see all of you are high class royalty!! @fujifilmx_us not sponsored but maybe they should lmao 🤣 *film *filmphotography *nightphotography *streetphotography * ▶0:48
Giving disposable camera 📸 to stranger!! Hey @josephsday you slayed this! Omg bro!!! You are such a kind person. I could have made this video 1 minute long but I vibed with you my brother. I wish more people would be as humble and sweet as you and your friends. They say, “ show me your friends and I’ll tell you who you are”. And I got to see all of you are high class royalty!! @fujifilmx_us not sponsored but maybe they should lmao 🤣 *film *filmphotography *nightphotography *streetphotography * ▶0:46
【SM/女性優位/病娇】在女性優位的世界,以辛苦努力的身份被大姐姐买下来调教了。【男性向け/asmr】cv:永昏トロイ ▶2:01
【SM/女性優位/病娇】在女性優位的世界,以辛苦努力的身份被大姐姐买下来调教了。【男性向け/asmr】cv:永昏トロイ ▶2:41
Kapal kontainer tabrak jembatan Francis Scott di Baltimore, Amerika Serikat. Pada Selasa pagi, 26 Maret 2024. *fyp *fypシ *fypage *berita *beritaviral *beritaterkini *beritaupdate *news *breakingnews *francisscott *jembatan *bridge *baltimore *amerika *amerikaserikat *us *usa *maryland *accident ▶0:32
Kapal kontainer tabrak jembatan Francis Scott di Baltimore, Amerika Serikat. Pada Selasa pagi, 26 Maret 2024. *fyp *fypシ *fypage *berita *beritaviral *beritaterkini *beritaupdate *news *breakingnews *francisscott *jembatan *bridge *baltimore *amerika *amerikaserikat *us *usa *maryland *accident ▶0:19
Episode 85- The art of shining shoes like new 🥾 - Satisfy viewers!! *shoeshine *asmrshoeshine *asmrvideo *cleantiktok *satisfiedvideo *trending *viralvideo *fyp *foryou ▶0:36
Episode 85- The art of shining shoes like new 🥾 - Satisfy viewers!! *shoeshine *asmrshoeshine *asmrvideo *cleantiktok *satisfiedvideo *trending *viralvideo *fyp *foryou ▶2:59
Please wait until the end to see what looks like Alex Hall’s clapback on IG 😭😭😭 I was in tears. Article clip from Us Weekly! *greenscreen *fyp *sellingsunset *sellingsunsetnetflix *sellingoc *sellingocnetflix *sellingocseason2 *sellingtheoc *sellingtheocnetflix *sellingtheocseason2 *alexhall *alexhallsellingoc *tylerstanaland *tylerstanalandoc *brittanysnow *celebritynews *celebritygossip *celebritydivorce *divorce *hollywood *explorepage *callherdaddy *netflixseries ▶0:27
Please wait until the end to see what looks like Alex Hall’s clapback on IG 😭😭😭 I was in tears. Article clip from Us Weekly! *greenscreen *fyp *sellingsunset *sellingsunsetnetflix *sellingoc *sellingocnetflix *sellingocseason2 *sellingtheoc *sellingtheocnetflix *sellingtheocseason2 *alexhall *alexhallsellingoc *tylerstanaland *tylerstanalandoc *brittanysnow *celebritynews *celebritygossip *celebritydivorce *divorce *hollywood *explorepage *callherdaddy *netflixseries ▶0:54
天ノ弱 / covered by 重音テトSV【Synthesizer V AI】 ▶0:40
【中文字幕/病娇音声】被病娇义妹擅自和女朋友分手并遭到了调教 CV 狛茉璃奈【情景音声/男性向/VTuber】 ▶0:50
【中文字幕/病娇音声】被病娇义妹擅自和女朋友分手并遭到了调教 CV 狛茉璃奈【情景音声/男性向/VTuber】 ▶
*大谷翔平*速報*野球 *高校野球 *スポーツ *メジャー *ニュース ▶
*美熟女 *円城ひとみ *beautifullady ▶
【女性優位/王子系/病娇】沾花惹草给温柔的王子系女友知道了,被狠狠调教。【男性向け/asmr】cv:永昏トロイ ▶
【女性優位/王子系/病娇】沾花惹草给温柔的王子系女友知道了,被狠狠调教。【男性向け/asmr】cv:永昏トロイ ▶
I blacked out. As a business owner, do all you can to not let them get you emotional. However, I do match the vibe and being a entrepreneur doesn’t make any of us a door mat. 🤘🏼❤️ i’m not perfect but 😂☠️🪦 *entitled *karen *businessowner *fypシ *cringe *fypage ▶
I blacked out. As a business owner, do all you can to not let them get you emotional. However, I do match the vibe and being a entrepreneur doesn’t make any of us a door mat. 🤘🏼❤️ i’m not perfect but 😂☠️🪦 *entitled *karen *businessowner *fypシ *cringe *fypage ▶
Red Bull Romaniacs on Instagram: "Unleashing Tenacity on a Yamaha Tenere 700: Pol Tarres Navigates the Red Bull Romaniacs Prologue with Gopro Precision &*x1f609; ✂️: @alexpiticas_ Red Bull Romaniacs 2024 - we WILL BE racing &*x1f4aa;&*x1f601;&*x1f44d; ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣Next Event Date: 23 - 27 July, 2024 &*x1f3c1;&*x1f3c1;&*x1f3c1; &*x1f31f;LIMITLESS &*x1f31f; *RedBullRomaniacs⁣⁣ *RomaniacsTrainingSessions *Limitless ⁣⁣*TheImpossible ⁣*InMadnessWeTrust ⁣*WeLiveExtremeEnduro⁣⁣ ⁣⁣*Enduro⁣⁣ ⁣⁣*HardEndu ▶
Red Bull Romaniacs on Instagram: "Unleashing Tenacity on a Yamaha Tenere 700: Pol Tarres Navigates the Red Bull Romaniacs Prologue with Gopro Precision &*x1f609; ✂️: @alexpiticas_ Red Bull Romaniacs 2024 - we WILL BE racing &*x1f4aa;&*x1f601;&*x1f44d; ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣Next Event Date: 23 - 27 July, 2024 &*x1f3c1;&*x1f3c1;&*x1f3c1; &*x1f31f;LIMITLESS &*x1f31f; *RedBullRomaniacs⁣⁣ *RomaniacsTrainingSessions *Limitless ⁣⁣*TheImpossible ⁣*InMadnessWeTrust ⁣*WeLiveExtremeEnduro⁣⁣ ⁣⁣*Enduro⁣⁣ ⁣⁣*HardEndu ▶
Please watch until the end.. I believe we need to be bold in times like this and I think its important that we show people the truth. This is real and it is happening all around us 💔 @jessieczebotar *christian *christianitytiktok *christiangirl *christiantiktok *2024 *endtimes *revelation *jesus *foryou *fyp *fyppppppppppppppppppppppp *fypシ゚viral *fypage *fypシ *greenscreen ▶
Please watch until the end.. I believe we need to be bold in times like this and I think its important that we show people the truth. This is real and it is happening all around us 💔 @jessieczebotar *christian *christianitytiktok *christiangirl *christiantiktok *2024 *endtimes *revelation *jesus *foryou *fyp *fyppppppppppppppppppppppp *fypシ゚viral *fypage *fypシ *greenscreen ▶
*美熟女 *瀬尾礼子 ▶
お礼のチュッ💋 受け取ってください😚 これからも仲良くしてね〜🤗 友達募集中🍀please follow me *アラフィフ*52歳*熟女*美魔女 *福岡出身 ▶
お礼のチュッ💋 受け取ってください😚 これからも仲良くしてね〜🤗 友達募集中🍀please follow me *アラフィフ*52歳*熟女*美魔女 *福岡出身 ▶
Bluebellgray on Instagram: "After 6 wonderful years we have taken the decision to close our beautiful Hyndland shop. I must have written this post in my head a hundred times over (during many nights awake at 3am) it feels very real to actually post it. This has been an incredibly hard decision to make, and more than anything I want to say thank you to our wonderful community and customers who have been so supportive and loyal to us over the last 6 years. Thank you for shopping with us and sharin ▶
Bluebellgray on Instagram: "After 6 wonderful years we have taken the decision to close our beautiful Hyndland shop. I must have written this post in my head a hundred times over (during many nights awake at 3am) it feels very real to actually post it. This has been an incredibly hard decision to make, and more than anything I want to say thank you to our wonderful community and customers who have been so supportive and loyal to us over the last 6 years. Thank you for shopping with us and sharin ▶
Beaverart Engineer on Instagram: "😂😂 🚧 follow us: @beaverart.engineer1 ________________________________________ 💓 Double Tap If You Like This 🔔 Turn On Post Notifications 🔖 Tag Your Friends ________________________________________ *civilengineering *civilengineer *concrete*buildings*construction *building *engineer *engineering *columns *architecture *architect *architecturelovers *architects *architectural *interiordesign *interiordesigner *interior *interiors *engenhariacivil *engenharia ▶
Beaverart Engineer on Instagram: "😂😂 🚧 follow us: @beaverart.engineer1 ________________________________________ 💓 Double Tap If You Like This 🔔 Turn On Post Notifications 🔖 Tag Your Friends ________________________________________ *civilengineering *civilengineer *concrete*buildings*construction *building *engineer *engineering *columns *architecture *architect *architecturelovers *architects *architectural *interiordesign *interiordesigner *interior *interiors *engenhariacivil *engenharia ▶
*熟女 *可愛い ▶
*美熟女 *ゆきこさん (55) ▶
【DV/中字】打今儿起,咱俩各论各的,我管你叫少爷,你管我叫主人【男性向けシチュエーションボイス】CV:ずぶ ▶
【DV/中字】打今儿起,咱俩各论各的,我管你叫少爷,你管我叫主人【男性向けシチュエーションボイス】CV:ずぶ ▶
Shokz OpenRun Pro Beige Premium Bone Conduction Open Ear Wireless Headphones - S810-ST-BG-US ▶
Shokz OpenRun Pro Beige Premium Bone Conduction Open Ear Wireless Headphones - S810-ST-BG-US ▶
按针奉命嫖妓,鞠夫人保证行房翻译,鞠夫人与老鸨子讨价,菊大师表演技艺 幕府将军 第6集 茶室内的精彩对决 绝对的精华章节 第六集 高分讲解 ▶
按针奉命嫖妓,鞠夫人保证行房翻译,鞠夫人与老鸨子讨价,菊大师表演技艺 幕府将军 第6集 茶室内的精彩对决 绝对的精华章节 第六集 高分讲解 ▶
*おすすめ *美熟女 *熟女 *武藤あやか *白木優子 *田所百合 ▶
*美熟女 *まどかさん (52) ▶
【DV/中字】像你这样的男友,我要修正你!【男性向けシチュエーションボイス】CV: ずぶ ▶
【DV/中字】像你这样的男友,我要修正你!【男性向けシチュエーションボイス】CV: ずぶ ▶
GATORLAND GLOBAL RESCUE‼️Jawlene the Alligator out here livin’ her best little life @gatorland_orlando 🌴❤️🐊‼️🦩This awesome little alligator was found in August 2023 near a boat ramp north of Orlando. She was photographed by a concerned resident who realized her upper jaw was missing. Although it was hard to tell who or what hurt her, it was easy to see that she was underweight and not going to survive in the wild. Even though her injury was healed, she was unable to hunt or defend herself.Jer ▶
GATORLAND GLOBAL RESCUE‼️Jawlene the Alligator out here livin’ her best little life @gatorland_orlando 🌴❤️🐊‼️🦩This awesome little alligator was found in August 2023 near a boat ramp north of Orlando. She was photographed by a concerned resident who realized her upper jaw was missing. Although it was hard to tell who or what hurt her, it was easy to see that she was underweight and not going to survive in the wild. Even though her injury was healed, she was unable to hunt or defend herself.Jer ▶
篠田あゆみ 人気作品まとめ ▶
*美熟女 *みきさん (49) ▶
@faktadandunia on Instagram: "Kerennn banget 😍 . - Follow @faktadandunia untuk informasi menarik lainnya! 📩 DM for Credits/Removal We don’t hold the copyright of this video. If the owner of the content wants it to be removed, please message us directly (no copyright intended). ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ *faktadandunia *infoupdate *kamuharustahu *faktadunia *wowfakta *faktaindo *faktaunik *infounik *faktamenarik *faktanyagoogle" ▶
@faktadandunia on Instagram: "Kerennn banget 😍 . - Follow @faktadandunia untuk informasi menarik lainnya! 📩 DM for Credits/Removal We don’t hold the copyright of this video. If the owner of the content wants it to be removed, please message us directly (no copyright intended). ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ *faktadandunia *infoupdate *kamuharustahu *faktadunia *wowfakta *faktaindo *faktaunik *infounik *faktamenarik *faktanyagoogle" ▶
*美熟女 *谷原希美 *beautifullady ▶
*美熟女 *ななみさん *39歳 ▶
【臼井さと美】他人妻味~小悪魔系美熟女の誘惑!!!!!! ▶
【臼井さと美】他人妻味~小悪魔系美熟女の誘惑!!!!!! ▶
幕府将军E06藤夫人唯一画面,战术喝水隐藏尴尬,太可爱了! ▶
TradeHive.Tv™ on Instagram: "Like this content? Follow us @tradehive.tv🌟 . .video by 🎥: @dolly_ki_tapri_nagpur @bigboytoyz_india ❣️ . . Don’t own the audio and Video. The credits go to the respective owners. This video is purely fan-made, and will not be used for profit or illegal sharing. . . .main tags= *reel *viralreel *trendingreels *instagram *instagood *reels *reelsinstagram" ▶
TradeHive.Tv™ on Instagram: "Like this content? Follow us @tradehive.tv🌟 . .video by 🎥: @dolly_ki_tapri_nagpur @bigboytoyz_india ❣️ . . Don’t own the audio and Video. The credits go to the respective owners. This video is purely fan-made, and will not be used for profit or illegal sharing. . . .main tags= *reel *viralreel *trendingreels *instagram *instagood *reels *reelsinstagram" ▶
Busy Balconista 🌸 Deborah Holtschlag on Instagram: "I thought I was a shoe-in for Shark Tank. I invented a layering railing planter. The casting director we pitched agreed and we leveled up and up and up until a rejection at the final stage. The explanation they gave us is that sometimes they choose “entertaining personality” over products because they are in the entertainment business. I get it, sort of. To shop my RailScapes see list below. And beware that trending products that get searched ▶
Busy Balconista 🌸 Deborah Holtschlag on Instagram: "I thought I was a shoe-in for Shark Tank. I invented a layering railing planter. The casting director we pitched agreed and we leveled up and up and up until a rejection at the final stage. The explanation they gave us is that sometimes they choose “entertaining personality” over products because they are in the entertainment business. I get it, sort of. To shop my RailScapes see list below. And beware that trending products that get searched ▶
Part 1! Legal Jobs Salary Compilation ⚖️ What kind of jobs can you get in the legal industry, and how much can you make? Enjoy a compilation of all the legal professionals we’ve interviewed in the past few years! Watch the full interviews on our YouTube channel 🎥 DISCLAIMER: This is a compilation of all the legal professionals we’ve interviewed, so some interviews were filmed in 2022 and 2023 (see details in description), and might not reflect current market rates. Need help figuring out your m ▶
Part 1! Legal Jobs Salary Compilation ⚖️ What kind of jobs can you get in the legal industry, and how much can you make? Enjoy a compilation of all the legal professionals we’ve interviewed in the past few years! Watch the full interviews on our YouTube channel 🎥 DISCLAIMER: This is a compilation of all the legal professionals we’ve interviewed, so some interviews were filmed in 2022 and 2023 (see details in description), and might not reflect current market rates. Need help figuring out your m ▶
【秋山はるる/大山チロル】牝堕隷仙-狙われた爆〇仙女- ▶
こう見てもおばさんです。 *美魔女 *美熟女 *美人 ▶
The Cutest Kitten Ever! ▶
*美熟女 *大人女優 *本真ゆり ▶
*美熟女 *hotlady *綾瀬麻衣子 ▶
2 Proud Boys members sentenced in Jan. 6 case ▶
大人の魅力!50代美熟女 *熟女 *女優おすすめ *美熟女 ▶
MILLY PICKLES on Instagram: "Where to put my third leg on marathon day? 👀 Both @liamcavanaghfitness and @joshuapatterson_jp are running by my side for London Marathon (thank god) 🙌🏼 It makes me feel a lot happier knowing I have such a strong support team!! The reason I need the third leg is because incase I need to walk, I have to swap from my running leg to my walking leg!! Hence it needs to be carried around with us. It’s too risky if I leave it with someone watching… if I need it and they ▶
MILLY PICKLES on Instagram: "Where to put my third leg on marathon day? 👀 Both @liamcavanaghfitness and @joshuapatterson_jp are running by my side for London Marathon (thank god) 🙌🏼 It makes me feel a lot happier knowing I have such a strong support team!! The reason I need the third leg is because incase I need to walk, I have to swap from my running leg to my walking leg!! Hence it needs to be carried around with us. It’s too risky if I leave it with someone watching… if I need it and they ▶
THE ADULT SOCIETY on Instagram: "Buddhi bahut tez hai 😂 🎥 @chennai.updatess ⚠️ Disclaimer: NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED! We don’t own visuals or audio in content. The Credits give to the respective owners. This video will not be used for any Profit (Monetization or Promotion) It’s just for entertainment purposes. Kindly DM or Mail us for Credits/Removal. Thanks : ) FAIR USE: Copyright disclaimer under section 107 of the copyright act 1976. Allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes su ▶
THE ADULT SOCIETY on Instagram: "Buddhi bahut tez hai 😂 🎥 @chennai.updatess ⚠️ Disclaimer: NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED! We don’t own visuals or audio in content. The Credits give to the respective owners. This video will not be used for any Profit (Monetization or Promotion) It’s just for entertainment purposes. Kindly DM or Mail us for Credits/Removal. Thanks : ) FAIR USE: Copyright disclaimer under section 107 of the copyright act 1976. Allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes su ▶
*美熟女 *ほなみさん (52) ▶
Sound of Freedom Trailer | Official ▶
撮影時は全員60代 *女優 *熟女 *興奮 ▶
Daud Kim on Instagram: "Assalamualikum , I am Daud Kim. My dream is to build a masjid in Korea 🕌🤲❤️ Thankfully, a lot of money has been raised over a year. Thank you so much However, it still requires a lot more money to build a masjid. Islam is a minor religion in Korea, and it is going through a lot of difficulties There’s not enough space to pray, and there’s not enough space for new Muslims to learn Islam. That’s why we need a space where they can pray together, study, practice Islam, and ▶
Daud Kim on Instagram: "Assalamualikum , I am Daud Kim. My dream is to build a masjid in Korea 🕌🤲❤️ Thankfully, a lot of money has been raised over a year. Thank you so much However, it still requires a lot more money to build a masjid. Islam is a minor religion in Korea, and it is going through a lot of difficulties There’s not enough space to pray, and there’s not enough space for new Muslims to learn Islam. That’s why we need a space where they can pray together, study, practice Islam, and ▶
🛠️OhMyTechness🛠️ on Instagram: "💯💯 📌follow us : @ohmytechness _____________________________________ 💬 write your opinion about the video ♥️ double click if you like the video 🔔 turn on post notifications _____________________________________ 📽️ : _____________________________________ *civilengineering *civilengineer *concrete *buildings *construction *building *engineer *engineering *columns *architecture *architect *architecturelovers *architects *architectural *interiordesign *interior ▶
🛠️OhMyTechness🛠️ on Instagram: "💯💯 📌follow us : @ohmytechness _____________________________________ 💬 write your opinion about the video ♥️ double click if you like the video 🔔 turn on post notifications _____________________________________ 📽️ : _____________________________________ *civilengineering *civilengineer *concrete *buildings *construction *building *engineer *engineering *columns *architecture *architect *architecturelovers *architects *architectural *interiordesign *interior ▶
sajidkhanpahat666 on Instagram: "😁😂 ✩ Mercury Mercury is the closest planet from the Sun. The side facing the sun is extremely hot, whereas the other side is incredibly cold. The temperatures range from -150 C to 425. Without your spacesuit, you’d either freeze or instantly turn into a carbon brick, depending on which side of the planet you were standing on. Without any gear, you would survive for less than 2 minutes. ✩Venus It is a real hell. The temperature on its surface is approximately 40 ▶
sajidkhanpahat666 on Instagram: "😁😂 ✩ Mercury Mercury is the closest planet from the Sun. The side facing the sun is extremely hot, whereas the other side is incredibly cold. The temperatures range from -150 C to 425. Without your spacesuit, you’d either freeze or instantly turn into a carbon brick, depending on which side of the planet you were standing on. Without any gear, you would survive for less than 2 minutes. ✩Venus It is a real hell. The temperature on its surface is approximately 40 ▶


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